Brief History of Tai Chi
Originally adapted from explosive fighting techniques, Tai Chi is a slow, gentle cultivation of the chi, integrating body, mind and spirit
Adapted from explosive fighting techniques of martial arts, the ancient Chinese soft martial art of Tai Chi is generally practiced slowly and gently. Originally to train students in fighting, it cultivates the chi (life force) and exercises and strengthens the body.

The health benefits of Tai Chi have become legendary, and it is now practiced for both health and self-defense facets. Tai Chi promotes internal harmony (between body and mind), and external harmony (between the individual and the Tao, the natural order of the Universe).
Tai Chi develops flexibility, strengthens joints and muscles and promotes the integration of body, mind and spirit. As a result students enjoy a higher quality of life on many levels.

Most modern styles of Tai Chi trace their development to at least one of the five traditional schools: Chen, Yang, Wu, Wu-Hao and Sun. The forms for each of these families were passed on and modified yet further, until now there are hundreds of styles of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is practiced in every country and is one of the fastest growing forms of meditative exercise in the world.